
Selbstverständlich könnt Ihr auch Gutscheine von Heiner Weiss Photography  für besondere Anlässe oder einfach nur, weil Ihr jemanden eine besondere Freude machen wollt, ordern. Gutscheine sind für Shootings oder auch Coachings möglich.

Ihr könnt, aber müsst hier keine festen Pakete buchen. Ihr habt ein festes Budget? Wir machen was draus! Dabei gehe ich bei den Shootings gezielt auf Eure Wünsche ein. Gerne könnt Ihr Eurem Partner ein Partnershooting schenken oder Euren Eltern ein Familienshooting. Euer Papa hat eine neue Kamera aber steht ziemlich hilflos da? Kommt, schenkt Ihm doch einfach mal ein Coaching. Danach ist er fit für supertolle Urlaubsfotos!

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Gutscheine Heiner Weiss

Gutscheine von Heiner Weiss Photography, einfach TOP!

Folgt mir auf Instagram

  • VdB 152

 #celestron #skywatcher EQ8-R
#rasa11 #asi2600mcpro  at bortle 5 sky

#yourESA #nasa #astrofotografia #astrofotografie #astropicsdaily #winkerling #heinerweiss #astrofotografie #astrophotography #planetarynebula #heinerweiss_photography #heinerweissphotography #fuckelonmusk #skywatchereq8rpro #hutechidasnbz #backtonature #fightlightpollution #galacticnebula #CelestronRASA11 #zwoasi2600 #zwoasi #stopspacex #vhsschwandorf #astroregensburg #fotoclubregenstauf #passioneastrofotografia #apod
  • The forsaken nebula.

 #celestron #skywatcher EQ8-R
#rasa11 #asi2600mcpro  at bortle 5 sky

#yourESA #nasa #astrofotografia #astrofotografie #astropicsdaily #winkerling #heinerweiss #astrofotografie #astrophotography #planetarynebula #heinerweiss_photography #heinerweissphotography #fuckelonmusk #skywatchereq8rpro #hutechidasnbz #backtonature #fightlightpollution #galacticnebula #CelestronRASA11 #zwoasi2600 #zwoasi #stopspacex #vhsschwandorf #astroregensburg #fotoclubregenstauf #passioneastrofotografia #apod
  • Fun with the sun on 17.08.2024

#Luntsolarsystems #sun #astrofotografia #astrofotografie #passioneastrofotografia #SkywatcherEQ8 #stars #sky #celestron
  • LDN1147 and friends in Cepheus. A lot of interstellar dirt. Someone should clean this part of the endless space.

5 hours of exposure time in the last two nights.

#Celestron #rasa11 #SkywatcherEQ8 #space #astrofotografia #astrofotografie #passioneastrofotografia #intergalactic #fuckelonmusk #savethenightsky #patendernacht #backtonature #againstspacex
  • Polarlichter über Winkerling
  • The Sun. 2024-04-27.

#8minutestoearth #sun #astrofotografia #astrofotografie #astropicsdaily #ourstar #backtonature #fucktesla #passioneastrofotografia
  • The Sun. 2024-04-27.

#8minutestoearth #sun #astrofotografia #astrofotografie #astropicsdaily #ourstar #backtonature #fucktesla #passioneastrofotografia
  • LDN 1250 - intergalactic dirt in the endless space

11 hours of exposure time with #celestron
#rasa11 #asi2600  at bortle 5 sky

#yourESA #astrofotografia #astrofotografie #astropicsdaily #winkerling #heinerweiss #astrofotografie #astrophotography #planetarynebula #heinerweiss_photography #heinerweissphotography #fuckelonmusk #skywatchereq8rpro #hutechidasnbz #backtonature #fightlightpollution #galacticnebula #CelestronRASA11 #zwoasi2600 #zwoasi #stopspacex #vhsschwandorf #regensburg #fotoclubregenstauf  #Oberpfalz #passioneastrofotografia #apod
VdB 152

 #celestron #skywatcher EQ8-R
#rasa11 #asi2600mcpro  at bortle 5 sky

#yourESA #nasa #astrofotografia #astrofotografie #astropicsdaily #winkerling #heinerweiss #astrofotografie #astrophotography #planetarynebula #heinerweiss_photography #heinerweissphotography #fuckelonmusk #skywatchereq8rpro #hutechidasnbz #backtonature #fightlightpollution #galacticnebula #CelestronRASA11 #zwoasi2600 #zwoasi #stopspacex #vhsschwandorf #astroregensburg #fotoclubregenstauf #passioneastrofotografia #apod
VdB 152 #celestron #skywatcher EQ8-R #rasa11 #asi2600mcpro at bortle 5 sky #yourESA #nasa #astrofotografia #astrofotografie #astropicsdaily #winkerling #heinerweiss #astrofotografie #astrophotography #planetarynebula #heinerweiss_photography #heinerweissphotography #fuckelonmusk #skywatchereq8rpro #hutechidasnbz #backtonature #fightlightpollution #galacticnebula #CelestronRASA11 #zwoasi2600 #zwoasi #stopspacex #vhsschwandorf #astroregensburg #fotoclubregenstauf #passioneastrofotografia #apod
1 Woche ago
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The forsaken nebula.

 #celestron #skywatcher EQ8-R
#rasa11 #asi2600mcpro  at bortle 5 sky

#yourESA #nasa #astrofotografia #astrofotografie #astropicsdaily #winkerling #heinerweiss #astrofotografie #astrophotography #planetarynebula #heinerweiss_photography #heinerweissphotography #fuckelonmusk #skywatchereq8rpro #hutechidasnbz #backtonature #fightlightpollution #galacticnebula #CelestronRASA11 #zwoasi2600 #zwoasi #stopspacex #vhsschwandorf #astroregensburg #fotoclubregenstauf #passioneastrofotografia #apod
The forsaken nebula. #celestron #skywatcher EQ8-R #rasa11 #asi2600mcpro at bortle 5 sky #yourESA #nasa #astrofotografia #astrofotografie #astropicsdaily #winkerling #heinerweiss #astrofotografie #astrophotography #planetarynebula #heinerweiss_photography #heinerweissphotography #fuckelonmusk #skywatchereq8rpro #hutechidasnbz #backtonature #fightlightpollution #galacticnebula #CelestronRASA11 #zwoasi2600 #zwoasi #stopspacex #vhsschwandorf #astroregensburg #fotoclubregenstauf #passioneastrofotografia #apod
1 Woche ago
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Fun with the sun on 17.08.2024

#Luntsolarsystems #sun #astrofotografia #astrofotografie #passioneastrofotografia #SkywatcherEQ8 #stars #sky #celestron
Fun with the sun on 17.08.2024 #Luntsolarsystems #sun #astrofotografia #astrofotografie #passioneastrofotografia #SkywatcherEQ8 #stars #sky #celestron
3 Monaten ago
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LDN1147 and friends in Cepheus. A lot of interstellar dirt. Someone should clean this part of the endless space.

5 hours of exposure time in the last two nights.

#Celestron #rasa11 #SkywatcherEQ8 #space #astrofotografia #astrofotografie #passioneastrofotografia #intergalactic #fuckelonmusk #savethenightsky #patendernacht #backtonature #againstspacex
LDN1147 and friends in Cepheus. A lot of interstellar dirt. Someone should clean this part of the endless space. 5 hours of exposure time in the last two nights. #Celestron #rasa11 #SkywatcherEQ8 #space #astrofotografia #astrofotografie #passioneastrofotografia #intergalactic #fuckelonmusk #savethenightsky #patendernacht #backtonature #againstspacex
5 Monaten ago
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Polarlichter über Winkerling
Polarlichter über Winkerling
5 Monaten ago
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The Sun. 2024-04-27.

#8minutestoearth #sun #astrofotografia #astrofotografie #astropicsdaily #ourstar #backtonature #fucktesla #passioneastrofotografia
The Sun. 2024-04-27. #8minutestoearth #sun #astrofotografia #astrofotografie #astropicsdaily #ourstar #backtonature #fucktesla #passioneastrofotografia
5 Monaten ago
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The Sun. 2024-04-27.

#8minutestoearth #sun #astrofotografia #astrofotografie #astropicsdaily #ourstar #backtonature #fucktesla #passioneastrofotografia
The Sun. 2024-04-27. #8minutestoearth #sun #astrofotografia #astrofotografie #astropicsdaily #ourstar #backtonature #fucktesla #passioneastrofotografia
5 Monaten ago
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LDN 1250 - intergalactic dirt in the endless space

11 hours of exposure time with #celestron
#rasa11 #asi2600  at bortle 5 sky

#yourESA #astrofotografia #astrofotografie #astropicsdaily #winkerling #heinerweiss #astrofotografie #astrophotography #planetarynebula #heinerweiss_photography #heinerweissphotography #fuckelonmusk #skywatchereq8rpro #hutechidasnbz #backtonature #fightlightpollution #galacticnebula #CelestronRASA11 #zwoasi2600 #zwoasi #stopspacex #vhsschwandorf #regensburg #fotoclubregenstauf  #Oberpfalz #passioneastrofotografia #apod
LDN 1250 – intergalactic dirt in the endless space 11 hours of exposure time with #celestron #rasa11 #asi2600 at bortle 5 sky #yourESA #astrofotografia #astrofotografie #astropicsdaily #winkerling #heinerweiss #astrofotografie #astrophotography #planetarynebula #heinerweiss_photography #heinerweissphotography #fuckelonmusk #skywatchereq8rpro #hutechidasnbz #backtonature #fightlightpollution #galacticnebula #CelestronRASA11 #zwoasi2600 #zwoasi #stopspacex #vhsschwandorf #regensburg #fotoclubregenstauf #Oberpfalz #passioneastrofotografia #apod
7 Monaten ago
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Heiner Weiss Photography

Wedding & More

Studio und Office : 09471 – 20500
Mobil / Whatsapp: 0171 – 2804910